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* GEMFAST.H - Header for the high-level functions in the GemFast library.
* Maintenance:
* 02/01/93 v1.9
* > Created by splitting old gemfast.h into this plus gemfbind.h.
* > Changed to __PROTO() style prototypes.
* > Added conditional block for GNU compiler.
* > Added NO_GEMFAST_HLL conditional block stuff.
#ifndef GEMFAST_H
#define GEMFAST_H
#include <stdarg.h> /* need this for va_list type */
* first include the right set of binding headers, and set up some macros
* to provide independance from the variations between different bindings.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__STDC__) && defined(M68000) && defined(GEMDOS)
#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(LATTICE)
#define MWC
* Lattice C v5.x
#if defined(LATTICE)
#include <aes.h>
#include <vdi.h>
#define _Ob_spec ob_spec
#define _Ob_spec_t void*
#define GSTACKARGS __stdargs
#define GREGARGS __regargs
#define GFAR far
#define GNEAR near
#ifdef _BASEREL
#define GLOADDS __saveds
#define GLOADDS
/* remap our standard global var names to LC's names */
#define gl_apversion ( (short)_AESglobal[0] )
#define gl_apcount ( (short)_AESglobal[1] )
#define gl_apid ( (short)_AESglobal[2] )
#define gl_apprivate ( *(long *)(&_AESglobal[3]) )
#define gl_apptree ( *(void **)(&_AESglobal[5]) )
#define gl_ap1resv ( *(long *)(&_AESglobal[7]) )
#define gl_aprshdr ( *(void **)(&_AESglobal[9]) )
/* set up some names defined in gemfbind.h but not LC's aes.h */
#define IS_HOLLOW 0
#define IS_SOLID 1
#define IS_PATTERN 2
#define IS_HATCH 3
#define IS_UDPTRN 4
#define IP_HOLLOW 0
#define IP_SOLID 7
#define TE_SYSTEM 3
#define TE_SMALL 5
* GNU C 2.x using GemFast as the low-level bindings
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#include <gemfbind.h>
#define _Ob_spec ob_spec
#define _Ob_spec_t long
#define GREGARGS
#define GFAR
#define GNEAR
#define GLOADDS
* Turbo C (I'm not sure about all these being right; they would be on msdos)
#elif defined(__TURBOC__)
#include <gem.h>
#define _Ob_spec ob_spec.string
#define _Ob_spec_t char*
#define GSTACKARGS cdecl
#define GREGARGS
#define GFAR __far
#define GNEAR __near
#define GLOADDS __loadds
* Sozobon, HSC v1.x and 2.x
#elif defined(SOZOBON) || defined(__HSC__) || defined(MWC)
#undef GEMFAST_PROTOS /* non-ansi compilers here! */
#include <gemfbind.h>
#define _Ob_spec ob_spec
#define _Ob_spec_t long
#define GREGARGS
#define GFAR
#define GNEAR
#define GLOADDS
* catch-all for unknown compilers
#error Unknown compiler in GEMFAST.H!
* all high-level library stuff will be omitted if NO_GEMFAST_HLL is
* defined. defining it effectively gives you vanilla DRI-standard GEM
* bindings with no extensions in terms of functions, datatypes, macros,
* constants, or anything else.
* macros used in declarations and prototypes.
* GCALLBACK is a set of function modifiers used when the AES or GemFast
* internals call back into client code. For some compilers' memory
* models, it's necessary to specify stacked args & auto-load data base reg.
#ifndef __PROTO
#define __PROTO(a) a
#define __PROTO(a) ()
#ifdef LATTICE /* Lattice C bug workaround: __saveds in a proto */
#define __saveds /* causes spurious arg type mismatches; define it */
#endif /* away until the end of this header file. */
* some handy function-like macros for GRECT and VRECT parm passing.
#define RECTVALS(r) (r)->g_x, (r)->g_y, (r)->g_w, (r)->g_h
#define RECTPTRS(r) &((r)->g_x), &((r)->g_y), &((r)->g_w), &((r)->g_h)
#define RECTARRAY(r) ((short *)(r))
* GemFast-defined constants.
* Tell the world we're here.
#define GEMF_VERSION 0x0190 /* Tell the world we are v1.90 */
* miscellanious stuff.
#define NO_OBJECT (-1) /* object (in tree) not found */
#define GRF_MSALTARROW 200 /* alternate value of ARROW for grf_mouse() */
#define GRF_MSINQUIRE (-1) /* inquire current shape for grf_mouse() */
#define OBJ_BMINQUIRE (-1) /* get w/o change from obj_bmbuttons() */
#define FRM_GETDEFAULTS (-1L) /* get w/o change from frm_defaults() */
#define FRM_MOVER 0x4000 /* special ob_flags value for moveable forms*/
#define G_THERMO 200 /* ob_type for a thermometer display object */
#define G_TSCROLL 201 /* ob_type for a text scroll object */
#define G_RSTRING 202 /* ob_type for a replace-string object */
#define G_NSLIDE 203 /* ob_type for a numeric-slider object */
#define OBJ_NODRAW 0 /* obj_XXchange(): no draw after change */
#define OBJ_WITHDRAW 1 /* obj_XXchange(): draw after change */
#define OBJ_CLIPDRAW 2 /* obj_XXchange(): draw with optional clip */
#define OBJ_TINQUIRE (-32000) /* inquire current G_THERMO position */
#define OBJ_TINCREMENT (-1) /* increment current G_THERMO position by 1 */
#define FRM_DSMAXBUTTONS 5 /* max dynamic button strings */
#define FRM_DSMAXSTRINGS 20 /* max dynamic dialog display strings */
#define EVN_BUTTONUP 0 /* evn_wbutton(): wait for button-up */
#define EVN_BUTTONDOWN 1 /* evn_wbutton(): wait for button-down */
* options for apl_whatever() functions.
#define APL_RTRANSIENT 0x0001 /* cleanup transient resources */
#define APL_RPERMANENT 0x0002 /* cleanup permenant resources */
* actions for frm_desktop().
#define FRM_DTINSTALL 0x00000000L /* install form as system desktop */
#define FRM_DTREMOVE 0x10000000L /* remove form, revert to sys desktop */
* actions for frm_dialog().
#define FRM_DSTART 0x10000000L /* do FMD_START */
#define FRM_DDRAW 0x20000000L /* do objc_draw() */
#define FRM_DDO 0x40000000L /* do form_do() */
#define FRM_DFINISH 0x80000000L /* do FMD_FINISH */
#define FRM_DCOMPLETE 0xF0000000L /* do all the steps above in one call */
* actions for frm_progress().
#define FRM_PSTART 0x10000000L /* set up and display progress dialog */
#define FRM_PUPDATE 0x40000000L /* update progress thermometer */
#define FRM_PFINISH 0x80000000L /* close and cleanup progress dialog */
* options for all frm_whatever() functions.
* 0xauddbbbb
* ||| |______ Basic options for all dialog handling.
* |||________ Dynamic dialog options.
* ||_________ User options; never touched by GemFast.
* |__________ Actions.
#define FRM_NORMAL 0x00000000L /* placeholder when you want none */
#define FRM_EXPLODE 0x00000001L /* exploding box graphics in dialog */
#define FRM_CENTER 0x00000002L /* center dialog in screen */
#define FRM_NEARMOUSE 0x00000004L /* center dialog over mouse */
#define FRM_MOUSEARROW 0x00000008L /* force mouse ARROW during dialog */
#define FRM_USEBLIT 0x00000010L /* use blits instead of redraw msgs */
#define FRM_MOVEABLE 0x00000020L /* dialog is moveable */
#define FRM_NODEFAULTS 0x00008000L /* these options override defaults */
#define FRM_DMUSTSELECT 0x00010000L /* dsdialog/dsmenu: no default exit */
#define FRM_DSHADOWED 0x00020000L /* dsdialog/dsmenu: shadowed parent */
#define FRM_DEFAULTLEFT 0x00040000L /* dsdialog/dsmenu: dflt btn on left*/
#define FRM_DSL1TITLE 0x00100000L /* 1st line is title, higher y pos */
#define FRM_MEXITPARENT 0x00100000L /* exit if mouse leaves parent */
#define FRM_MEXITVICINITY 0x00200000L /* exit if mouse leaves vicinity */
#define FRM_OPTIONBITS 0x0FFFFFFFL /* mask for dialog options */
#define FRM_BOPTIONBITS 0x0000FFFFL /* mask for basic options */
#define FRM_DOPTIONBITS 0x00FF0000L /* mask for dynamic options */
#define FRM_UOPTIONBITS 0x0F000000L /* mask for user options */
#define FRM_ACTIONBITS 0xF0000000L /* mask for dialog actions */
* option for fsl_dialog().
#define FSL_NORMAL 0x0000
#define FSL_FNOPTIONAL 0x0001
#define FSL_PATHONLY 0x0002
* options for grf_blit() and grf_memblit().
#define GRF_NORMAL 0x0000 /* a placeholder value */
#define GRF_BFROMSCREEN 0x1000 /* blit from screen to buffer */
#define GRF_BTOSCREEN 0x2000 /* blit from buffer to screen */
#define GRF_BMEMCALC 0x4000 /* calc mem requirements, don't blit */
#define GRF_BOBJTREE 0x0001 /* rectparm OBJECT* instead of GRECT* */
* GemFast-defined data structures.
* VRECT structure.
typedef struct vrect {
short v_x1, v_y1, v_x2, v_y2;
* XMOUSE structure.
typedef struct xmouse {
short retval;
short bclicks;
short mask;
short state;
short status;
short mousex;
short mousey;
short mouseb;
short keystate;
* XMULTI structure.
typedef struct xmulti {
short msgbuf[8];
short mflags;
short mbclicks;
short mbmask;
short mbstate;
short mm1flags;
GRECT mm1rect;
short mm2flags;
GRECT mm2rect;
long mtcount;
short mwhich;
short mmox;
short mmoy;
short mmobutton;
short mmokstate;
short mkreturn;
short mbreturn;
* GUDSLIDE_FUNC, the type of a callback function for grf_udslidebox.
typedef void GCALLBACK (GUDSLIDE_FUNC) __PROTO((OBJECT *ptree, short obj, short slidepos, void *udata));
* XUSERBLK and related items.
struct xparm_blk; /* tentative decl of these forward-referenced */
struct xuser_blk; /* structures keeps facist compilers happy. */
typedef struct xparm_blk XPARMBLK;
typedef struct xuser_blk XUSERBLK;
typedef enum xuser_touch_status { /* status returned by xuser_blk.ub_touch() */
XUBT_NONE = 0x0000, /* nothing happened as result of touch */
XUBT_VISUAL = 0x0001, /* touch caused minor visual change in object */
XUBT_VALUE = 0x0002, /* touch caused important change in obj's value(s) */
XUBT_DCEXIT = 0x0004 /* touch was d-click, treat as default exit object */
typedef XUBT_STATUS GCALLBACK (XUB_TOUCHFUNC) __PROTO((XUSERBLK *xub, short mx, short my, short clicks));
struct xuser_blk {
XUB_DRAWFUNC *ub_draw; /* the 1st two fields are USERBLK std, */
struct xuser_blk *ub_self; /* but ub_parm always points to self. */
XUB_TOUCHFUNC *ub_touch; /* call this func when object touched. */
long ub_size; /* size of this XUSERBLK structure. */
_Ob_spec_t ob_spec; /* ob_spec and ob_type are from the */
short ob_type; /* original object before we xformed */
OBJECT *parent_tree; /* it. parent_tree and parent_obj are */
short parent_obj; /* a backlink to the original object. */
long reserved[4]; /* room to grow. */
* XPARMBLK structure (our remapping of a standard PARMBLK).
struct xparm_blk {
OBJECT *ptree;
short obj;
short prevstate;
short currstate;
GRECT drawrect;
GRECT cliprect;
* declarations of all global vars defined by gemfast.
* these are valid after apl_xinit()
extern unsigned short gl_grfhandle; /* physical VDI handle (graf_handle)*/
extern unsigned short gl_wchar; /* width of a character */
extern unsigned short gl_w2char; /* width of a character / 2 */
extern unsigned short gl_w4char; /* width of a character / 4 */
extern unsigned short gl_w8char; /* width of a character / 8 */
extern unsigned short gl_hchar; /* height of a character */
extern unsigned short gl_h2char; /* height of a character / 2 */
extern unsigned short gl_h4char; /* height of a character / 4 */
extern unsigned short gl_h8char; /* height of a character / 8 */
extern unsigned short gl_wbox; /* width of a boxchar */
extern unsigned short gl_w2box; /* width of a boxchar / 2 */
extern unsigned short gl_w4box; /* width of a boxchar / 4 */
extern unsigned short gl_w8box; /* width of a boxchar / 8 */
extern unsigned short gl_hbox; /* height of a boxchar */
extern unsigned short gl_h2box; /* height of a boxchar / 2 */
extern unsigned short gl_h4box; /* height of a boxchar / 4 */
extern unsigned short gl_h8box; /* height of a boxchar / 8 */
extern GRECT gl_rwdesk; /* coordinates of work area of the desktop */
extern GRECT gl_rfscrn; /* coordinates of the full screen */
* these are valid after apl_vopen()
extern short gl_vwout[57]; /* work_out from v_opnvwk() */
extern short gl_vxout[57]; /* work_out from vq_extnd(,1,) */
* prototypes.
extern void apl_cleanup __PROTO((short cleanup_type));
extern void apl_mmvectors __PROTO((void *allocfunc, void *freefunc));
extern void apl_vclose __PROTO((short vhandle));
extern short apl_vopen __PROTO((void));
extern short apl_vshared __PROTO((void));
extern void apl_xexit __PROTO((void));
extern short apl_xinit __PROTO((void));
extern void evn_wbutton __PROTO((short up_or_down));
extern void frm_confine __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, GRECT *boundrect));
extern long frm_defaults __PROTO((long options));
extern void frm_desktop __PROTO((long options, OBJECT *tree));
extern short frm_dialog __PROTO((long options, OBJECT *tree, short editobj));
extern short frm_dsdialog __PROTO((long options, char **btnarray, char **strarray));
extern short frm_dsmenu __PROTO((long options, char *title, char **itemarray));
extern short frm_eflag __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, char *fmt, ...));
extern void frm_enableblit __PROTO((void));
extern short frm_error __PROTO((short errcode, char *buttons, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_menu __PROTO((long options, OBJECT *tree, short select_state));
extern short frm_mkmoveable __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short mover_object));
extern short frm_nldialog __PROTO((long options, char *buttons, char *lines));
extern short frm_nlmenu __PROTO((long options, char *title, char *items));
extern short frm_printf __PROTO((long options, char *buttons, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_progress __PROTO((long options, short increments, char *abortbutton, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_qchoice __PROTO((char *buttons, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_qerror __PROTO((short error, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_qfatal __PROTO((short error, char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_qmenu __PROTO((char *title, char *selections));
extern void frm_qtext __PROTO((char *fmt, ...));
extern short frm_question __PROTO((char *fmt, ...));
extern void frm_sizes __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, GRECT *outrect));
extern short frm_verror __PROTO((short errcode, char *buttons, char *fmt, va_list args));
extern short frm_vprintf __PROTO((long options, char *buttons, char *fmt, va_list args));
extern short frm_vprogress __PROTO((long options, short increments, char *abortbutton, char *fmt, va_list args));
extern short fsl_dialog __PROTO((short options, char *opath, char *ipath, char *forcewild, char *prompt));
extern long grf_blit __PROTO((short options, void *buffer, void *rect_or_tree));
extern void * grf_memblit __PROTO((short options, void *buffer, void *rect_or_tree));
extern short grf_mouse __PROTO((short newshape, void *usershape));
extern short grf_udslidebox __PROTO((OBJECT *ptree, short obj, short v_or_h, GUDSLIDE_FUNC *ufunc, void *udata));
extern short mnu_bar __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short install_or_remove, long reserved));
extern void mnu_disable __PROTO((void));
extern void mnu_enable __PROTO((void));
extern void mnu_erase __PROTO((void));
extern void mnu_tbar __PROTO((char *title_string));
extern short obj_bmbuttons __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short parent, short select_state, short bitmap));
extern short obj_clcalc __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, GRECT *grectout, VRECT *vrectout));
extern short obj_dxfind __PROTO((OBJECT *tree));
extern void obj_flchange __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short newstate, int redraw, ...));
extern char * obj_gstring __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object));
extern short obj_gtype __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object));
extern long obj_gvalue __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object));
extern void obj_offxywh __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, GRECT *outrect));
extern short obj_parent __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object));
extern char ** obj_ppstring __PROTO((OBJECT *tree));
extern short obj_rbfind __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short parent, short select_state));
extern short obj_rbselect __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short select_state));
extern void obj_stchange __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short new_state, int redraw, ...));
extern void obj_sstring __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, char *newstring));
extern void obj_svalue __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, long newvalue));
extern short obj_xtfind __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short parent, char xtype));
extern void obj_xywh __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, GRECT *outrect));
extern void rc_confine __PROTO((GRECT *boundrect, GRECT *therect));
extern GRECT * rc_gadjust __PROTO((GRECT *dest, short hadjust, short vadjust));
extern VRECT * rc_gtov __PROTO((GRECT *source, VRECT *dest));
extern short rc_ptinrect __PROTO((GRECT *therect, short x, short y));
extern GRECT * rc_scale __PROTO((GRECT *source, GRECT *dest, short percentage));
extern VRECT * rc_vadjust __PROTO((VRECT *dest, short hadjust, short vadjust));
extern GRECT * rc_vtog __PROTO((VRECT *source, GRECT *dest));
extern short rsc_cubuttons __PROTO((OBJECT *tree));
extern void rsc_gstrings __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, int object, char **ppstring, ...));
extern void rsc_gtrees __PROTO((int object, OBJECT **pptree, ...));
extern short rsc_rrbuttons __PROTO((OBJECT *tree));
extern void rsc_sstrings __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, int object, char *string, ...));
extern void rsc_sxtypes __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, int object, int xtype, ...));
extern void rsc_treefix __PROTO((OBJECT *tree));
extern void wc_scroll_calc __PROTO((short curline, short datalines, short windowlines, short *slsize, short *slpos));
extern short wnd_top __PROTO((void));
extern short wnd_update __PROTO((short semaphore));
extern void xob_nslide_change __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, long newmin, long newmax));
extern short xob_nslide_create __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, long min, long max));
extern long xob_nslide_get __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object));
extern void xob_nslide_set __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, long newvalue));
extern short xob_thermo_create __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short increments));
extern short xob_thermo_update __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short newpos, GRECT *cliprect));
extern short xob_tscroll_create __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short statusobj));
extern void xob_tscroll_set __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, char **datalist, short numitems, short curitem, short topitem));
extern short xob_tscroll_get __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, char **curstring, short *curitem, short *topitem));
extern void xob_transform __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, XUSERBLK *xub, XUB_DRAWFUNC *pdraw, XUB_TOUCHFUNC *ptouch, long xub_size));
extern void xob_change __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, GRECT *cliprect, short newstate, short redraw));
extern void xob_draw __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short depth, GRECT *cliprect));
extern void xob_offset __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, short object, short *px, short *py));
extern short evnx_multi __PROTO((XMULTI *xm));
extern short evnx_timer __PROTO((unsigned long milliseconds));
extern short frmx_center __PROTO((OBJECT *tree, GRECT *outrect));
extern short frmx_dial __PROTO((short flag, GRECT *little, GRECT *big));
extern short grfx_dragbox __PROTO((GRECT *start, GRECT *boundary, GRECT *end));
extern short winx_calc __PROTO((short type, short kind, GRECT inrect, GRECT *outrect));
extern short winx_get __PROTO((short whandle, short field, GRECT *outrect));
* automatically use extended binding routines.
* if you undo these macros, all the builtin utilities will break!
* the normal low-level bindings will still work, though.
#if defined(LATTICE)
#undef appl_init
#undef appl_exit
#undef wind_update
#define appl_init apl_xinit /* extended init fills in new gl_ vars */
#define appl_exit apl_xexit /* extended exit closes shared vdi, etc */
#define wind_update wnd_update /* use stack-like wind_update routine */
#define graf_mouse grf_mouse /* use save/restore mouse shape system */
#define menu_bar(a,b) mnu_bar((a),(b),0L)
#define frm_sizes(tree, rect) obj_clcalc((tree), ROOT, (rect), NULL)
* Name compatibility stuff
#define obj_make_tscroll xob_tscroll_create
#define obj_set_tscroll xob_tscroll_set
#define obj_get_tscroll xob_tscroll_get
#define obj_mkthermo xob_thermo_create
#define obj_udthermo xob_thermo_udpate
#define obj_mxuserdef xob_transform
#define frm_dsdial(str,btn, options) frm_dsdialog((options)|FRM_DSL1TITLE,(btn),(str))
#ifdef LATTICE /* Lattice C bug workaround: now that all our */
#undef __saveds /* prototypes have been processed, let __saveds */
#endif /* have its usual meaning again. */
#endif /* NO_GEMFAST_HLL */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* GEMFAST_H */